When to Keep Your Child Home
FEVER: Usually fever is a sign that the body is fighting off an infection or a contagious disease. Fever is most consistently defined as an elevation of 1.5 degrees above the normal which is 98.6. Your child should be fever free without fever reducing medication for 24 hours before your child is allowed back into school.
DIARRHEA/VOMITING: Diarrhea and vomiting usually occur with an infection or a contagious disease. Sometimes it is not from disease. If your child has diarrhea or vomiting with other illness symptoms, keep your child home. Your child should stay home for 24 hours after the last episode.
INFLUENZA: A child that displays fever, persistent coughing, congestion, chills, or muscle aches in any combination should be checked by a doctor and kept home.
COVID-19: Students should be kept home for 10 days following symptom onset or 10 days following positive test results even if asymptomatic. In addition, prior to returning to school students should be 24 hours with no fever and have improvement of symptoms.
RASHES: A child with an unidentified rash that is spreading and/or getting worse over time should be kept home and checked by a doctor.
CONJUNCTIVITIS (PINK EYE): Tearing, redness, and puffy eyelids and/or eye discharge should be checked by a doctor before coming to school. Student must remain at home for 24 hours after the medication has started. The child must have at least 2 doses before returning to school.
HEAD LICE: If your child has head lice that are alive, keep your child home to treat him/her and then he/she can return to school after that. Nits (eggs) should be observed and continue treating and combing.
Prescription Medications
All prescription medications (routine meds or antibiotics) to be given at school must come in a prescription bottle with a label from the pharmacy indicating the name of the child, prescription name, dose, and time to be administered. Parents must send a note giving permission to be administered at school.
Medication that is prescribed for 10 days or less:
- Medication that is to be taken 1-3 times a day can be given at home: before school, after school, and at bedtime.
- Medication that is to be taken 4 times a day-1 dose can be dispensed at school.
IDPH Childhood Illness Criteria
School Nurse Policies/Procedures Link
Newsletters from the Nurse
School Health Forms
Medication Administration Form
Emergency Action Plan- Seizure
Vision Screening Certificate Letter to Parents/Form
Certificate of dental screening
Certificate of Immunization/ Exemption Forms